Wednesday, August 20, 2008

El Lago de Atitlan

I'll be in Guatemala for eight full weeks, so it seems strange that I feel this drive to see everything RIGHT NOW. I'm fighting against it for the coming weekend - I plan to bum around town, take a few pictures, and actually study some Spanish - but last weekend Arizona Girl (my new friend from Phoenix) and I decided to take a trip west to the lake, which we were told was a beautiful and (relatively) tranquilo place.

It was definitely that. We made some new friends, met up with some slightly older ones, did a bit of hiking and a lot of relaxing, and generally had a great time. Now Arizona Girl is off on other adventures (although we hope to meet up in a week or so in the highlands), and I'm back in Antigua, where I might finally be able to get some work done! :)

(If you look really closely, there's a monkey in the bottom picture!)

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