Wednesday, January 14, 2009


To get us all a bit more excited, I wanted to post a few pictures!

The top photo is a stock "University of Auckland" photo. While I assume that not all of the buildings are that beautiful, I do get the impression that it's a fairly old and architecturally impressive campus.

The center photos are of the Auckland Domain, a park in the middle of the city (Auckland's answer to Central Park, more or less). I will be living on Park Rd, which runs along the edge of the Domain, so I plan to spend quite a lot of time there! (The Domain also houses a history museum that's reputed to have an impressive exhibit of the life and history of the Maori population.)

The final photo is a beautiful Auckland city skyline shot. It's taken from a brief Business Week profile - Auckland is again number 5 on the list of the "100 Most Livable Cities in the World" (and, apparently, boasts the largest number of yachts per capita ...).

Yeah, like I'm going to be able to concentrate at work now ...

FOUR WEEKS and Counting!!

Life has been progressing more or less normally here in Idaho, although I'm getting more and more excited with each passing day. Everyone I've talked to either wants to go to New Zealand or has been, and I'm dealing with some universal jealousy - not that I mind! I know I'd be jealous if someone else had this opportunity! :)

I recently decided to buy a new laptop computer to take with me to Auckland. I've been using the same laptop for over three years (I bought it when I started at law school in fall '05), and while it's still in generally good shape, I didn't want to have to deal with computer shopping abroad (what with power/plug differences, software discrepancies, etc.). And so, a couple of weeks ago, I went out and bought myself a nice, shiny, RED Sony Vaio. I've always wanted a Vaio but have always had more, well, "responsible" laptops in the past. I must admit, the Vaio probably wouldn't withstand the kind of abuse I've heaped on my old IBM ThinkPad, but I have every intention of being more careful with this one ... I guess that's what happens when the money comes out of my account, rather than my student loan check.

Of course, as soon as I bought the Vaio, my previously indestructible ThinkPad got jealous. I decided to continue taking the ThinkPad to work, since it has the software and network connections I need in the office. Except the next day, when I got to work, my ThinkPad wouldn't turn on. Not in Normal Mode, not in Safe Mode, not in "Previously Successful Settings" Mode ... just one blue screen of death after another. It took the tech guy ALL day to "fix" my computer, and in the end, it started working again - but even with an extensive diagnostic, he didn't find a single problem with it. It had just stopped working.

The only possible explanation - it was pouting. I understand this, as I've been known to pout myself ... although, to be honest, I kind of thought my computer was too, well, logical for that sort of thing. Clearly, I was wrong.

At any rate, with my new school computer squared away, I'm one step closer to departure. I'm still having a bit of trouble with the school - while I've been assured my thesis application is in order and has been approved, I'm still waiting on the rubber stamp required for me to officially enroll. Which is especially irritating because I can't register for my class until this is done, and it may very well fill up before I get my name on the list. I'm trying to send adequate reminders without being a nag, but that's a tricky line to walk - and I'm definitely erring on the side of nag.

Hopefully, I'll get the confirmation email this week (as I did, yesterday, send out another reminder) and can officially enroll in the Comparative Law class that so interests me. And then, I'll have one more thing to be excited about! (As if I don't have enough already ...)