As a Rotary scholar, I'm lucky to have an automatic support system built into my destination country, including a host counselor. The duties of a host counselor are varied and, as far as I can tell, entirely optional. Luckily, I seem to have gotten a good one. (Although maybe not the best - I found out another Rotary scholar, from Japan, will be living in the same Uni accommodation as I am, and her counselor has already picked up her keys, set up her room, and stocked her fridge in anticipation of her arrival! John, maybe you should take notes for next time.)
John picked me up at the airport, loaded my luggage into the car, and took me to freshen up. After setting up my bank account, and a failed attempt at shopping for sheets and other dorm room necessities - I spent ten minutes staring at a wall of pillows without being able to make any sort of decision - we went up Mount Wellington, a dormant volcano (I think) in the Auckland suburbs. As we walked around the crater, John tried valiantly to help me orient myself in the city. The views were lovely, but I'm not sure I have the city down pat just yet.
That evening, John's wife Jan made a lovely meal and we all spent some time getting to know each other. John and Jan are a wonderful couple, VERY hospitable, and I'm well aware of how lucky I am to be let into their world so quickly.
The next day, Friday, John and I ran a few errands, did a bit of sightseeing from another volcano, Mount Eden, and then headed into the city to pick up my keys and start setting up my dorm room. I'm living in Uni housing about a 15 minute walk from the campus (and probably a 25 minute walk from the law school). I think the building used to be a motel, so each room is both a bedroom and a bathroom. We also have our own fridges, but cooking is to be done in a shared kitchen/lounge area. My room is reasonably sized, although I can't really say the same for the closet, and the people that I've met here so far seem very friendly.
That evening, I took John and Jan up on their offer to stay over one final night. For dinner, they took me out to a lovely restaurant on the beach, after a nice drive to show me a bit more of the area. We had outside seating, some good wine and great food, and a brief walk "to feel the sand between my toes," as Jan said.
Saturday was both Valentine's Day and John and Jan's wedding anniversary, so we all agreed I should get out of their hair as quickly as possible. After a nice breakfast, prepared by John, my luggage and I were shuttled back into the city, and I set to the task of unpacking and settling in. I've done fairly well, I think, although there are some bare walls and shelves that I should attend to. Meanwhile, John has arranged to have me attend his Rotary club meeting on Monday evening - I can only hope that everyone in Rotary is half as generous and hospitable as John and Jan have turned out to be!
1 comment:
your post makes me miss college (some things at least)
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