Friday, February 6, 2009

Almost time!!!

So we've made it - the final countdown begins. Yesterday was my final day at work, and I fly out next Tuesday - so four days to make all the arrangements I need to make, pack my clothes, etc. I'm sure I'll get everything done in plenty of time, but at the moment I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Still, though, ready to go.

This week I finally met up with one of District 5400's former Ambassadorial Scholars. Marc and I have been trying to get together for over a month now, but it's only now that our schedules have lined up. Marc spent his year in Chile, and had some great insights into the program and what I might expect in the next few weeks/months, while I'm still settling in. He engaged pretty extensively with his local Rotary clubs, so he was also something of an inspiration on how to get involved in giving back to the Auckland community while I'm in country.

I've also visited my final Rotary club here in Boise, the Centennial club. (ANOTHER club that meets at 7:00AM, which I still have trouble understanding!) Marc and I were both asked to talk a bit about the Scholarship - just to give an idea of the process we went through to get selected, and (for Marc) what the experience of being a Scholar is like. Ken and Terry, my two local counselors (Ken formally, Terry informally), were both at the meeting as well, and so was Ken's wife Nancy. It was great to get a chance to say goodbye to them as well, and to pass on my thanks one last time.

And now, to packing. I honestly don't know one person can accumulate so many clothes - when I left Boston in August, I donated three full garbage bags of clothes and shoes, and I've definitely got at least two more going out the doors now. I've managed to cut my shoe collection down to 14 pairs, which feels insufficient. I guess I'll have to find some good New Zealand boutique stores once I settle in! :)

My next message will be posted from Auckland, New Zealand - until then, wish me luck!!

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