Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kawarau Bridge!

The pictures kind of speak for themselves ... I especially like my utter lack of grace. As soon as I shuffled to the edge of the platform, someone started counting down from five. And as the well-trained soldier that I apparently am, as soon as he said "one!", I jumped. Without having fully thought about what I was doing or how I was doing it. The result: an oddly catlike pose, like I'm trying to land on all fours. Good time, glad I did it, ready to do more!! (Sorry, Mom.)

For the record, it's not terror so much as confusion on my face. He said, "Look over there!" and pointed in the general direction of the river bank ... I thought I was actually looking for someone, not smiling for a hidden camera.

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1 comment:

Deyanne said...

OK, my heart has There is just something about that extended hand as you are flying off towards the rocks and water... sorry, I am just a momma ;)