Friday, April 17, 2009

Routeburn, Day 3

This is our last view of Peter, who had an 11:00 AM bus to catch but decided to walk as far as he could with us on our 1:20 PM bus-catching schedule. About 10:10, he conceded and RAN down the rest of the mountain. And made his bus. (There's a hut about an hour before the end of the hike, and someone there mentioned that he'd seen "that tall Danish guy" running by - we're pretty sure he ran the remaining 7 km or so, with his pack, up and down mountainside paths!)

Finished! Not that I didn't have a great time, but I think you can tell I'm ready for a shower and a real bed ... We took fewer pictures this day, because we were on something of a schedule - and because nothing could beat the scenery of the day before. But we DID learn that, with our cameras securely stored in our pockets, we actually beat the DOC estimates with ease!

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