Thursday, September 11, 2008

La escuela de la cocina

So it's been another quiet week in Antigua, but I did have one day of excitement - Tuesday, a few of my friends and I took a cooking class! It was private - the five of us alone - and the teacher was great. We learned how to make tamales (negro y colorado), frijoles (black beans - three different preparations), tortillas, guacamol (in Mexico: guacamole), stuffed squashes, fried plantains and arroz con leche (rice pudding). The food was delicious, and we each made our own tamales and squash, so we all got some experience. Mom had better be looking for some banana leaves!

I was going to post a recipe, but I forgot to bring them over to the internet cafe, so I'll save that for another day. But here are a few pictures to make you jealous!

1 comment:

Ventures said...

OK, when I get back in town, I will look for the leaves. But you are on for a contest on who makes the best guacamol-- your dad will love to be the judge !!! :)

Love Momma