Yesterday, in lieu of traditional classes, my teacher took me out to her town, San Juan de Obispo, a 20 minute bus ride from the city. This was in part because we both needed a break, but more importantly, because the best chocolate in Guatemala is made there, and it's much cheaper to buy it directly from the source. (Guatemala is known for its drinking chocolate, which is sold in round tablets scored into four pieces.) I now have five pounds of chocolate in my suitcase. Yes, five. And even cooler - it cost me less than $10!
Aside from the chocolate shopping, I was able to wander around the town and tour the church/convent/museum at the center. San Juan is definitely a traditional Guatemalan town, in great contrast to Antigua ... our school has another post there, and many students prefer San Juan as a quieter, more authentic study experience. For me, it's a bit too quiet ... there's a church, a surprising number of butterflies ... and not much else. But I got a chance to see my teacher's house, meet her family (and her puppy), and go a whole day without learning new grammar rules - so all in all, a successful trip!
(In the bottom picture, the city in the distance is Antigua ... and the large yellow church is La Merced, very very close to my house.)
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