Thursday, July 2, 2009

Coast to Coast thru Auckland

One of my first New Zealand experiences was a walk on Muriwai beach with my Rotary host counselor, John, and his walking group. Last month, I joined the group again for a Coast to Coast walk - an 18 km walk from one coast of Auckland to the other. It was a great opportunity to see some of Auckland that I hadn't seen before (not to mention a great reason to skip the gym!).

This is the monument on the top of One Tree Hill. Notice the complete lack of trees? Apparently there was a tree there, but a Maori activist cut it down because it wasn't an indigenous tree (it was, I believe, a Norfolk pine). Unfortunately, the tree has not yet been replaced, because the city council can't decide which indigenous tree would be most appropriate ...

Sheep. In the middle of the city. VERY New Zealand.

A view of Rangitoto (the infamous volcano island) from the center of the city.

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