Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remuera Changeover

As all of my Rotary readers must be aware, the end of June marks the change in administration in every club and district. I assume that all clubs hold events, but I don't know that any club pulls it off with as much class as Remuera!

The blonde woman to the right is Sharyn, who was in charge of pulling the event together. Good job, Sharyn!!

The actual changeover, complete with an exchange of bouquets between the former and current "first ladies" of Remuera Rotary.

My host counselor, John, and his wife - so my parents finally know who these people are!

New President John and his lovely wife (who I spent some time with at the VIP camp a couple of months ago).

Former President Jim and his wife, wearing the regalia for the last time. (I don't know about Jim, but his wife seemed ready to for a break from the presidential obligations!)

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